This mural by Traci O'Very Covey from 2016 is a vinyl piece located on the large loading dock door on the south side of the Eccles Theater. It's vibrancy beckons the viewer to envision all of the possible art, dance, theater, and musical performances occurring within the walls of the new structure.

This Sci-fi mural across the alleyway is clearly inspired by the ballerina dancers of Degas' paintings with a robotic twist. This author and further details for this work are as yet unknown to us.

While not precisely a mural, this wall of white teflon sheets mounted on steel rods is titled Pages of Salt, installed by Ned Kahn in 2019. Clearly this shot was taken on a windy day which had some of the pieces blowing around wildly. Below and behind one can see some of the smaller murals located in the McCarthy Plaza area as well.